the voice of a prophet speaks to us still
There comes a time when silence is betrayal … Martin Luther King
View Articlegrim reaper
I heard a report today on NPR about the next generation Predator, a military drone called the MQ-9 Reaper. The Defense Update website says of the Reaper: The availability of high performance sensors...
View Articlevideo vets project
Iraq war veterans and their families speak out … for the troops, against the war.
View Articleheroes
The bottom line is the American people are capable of determining their own ideals of heroes and they don’t need to be told elaborate tales. - Jessica Lynch testifying yesterday before the House...
View Articledisheartened, but not surprised
Many Troops Say Torture OK is the title of an article posted at The article discusses a report released today by the Army Medical Department detailing the results of a study of American...
View Articlegeneral petraeus’ letter to the troops
It is good, very good, to hear General Petraeus talk about dignity, respect, and integrity, values, law, and doing what is right. It is good to hear him take an unequivocal stand against torture, both...
View Articleucc petition to end the iraq war
Along with thousands of United Church of Christ members and supporters, I call for an end to the war in Iraq, an end to our reliance on violence as the first, rather than the last resort, an end to the...
View Articlethe lessons of vietnam?
Last week, George Bush compared the consequences of an immediate withdrawal from Iraq with the results of the withdrawal of American troops from Viet Nam: One unmistakable legacy of Vietnam is that the...
View Articleis anybody else bothered by this?
Is anybody else bothered by this? In the predawn hours of Jan. 29, a CIA Predator aircraft flew in a slow arc above the Pakistani town of Mir Ali. The drone’s operator, relying on information secretly...
View Articlebecoming our own worst enemy
I was directed by a college classmate to this Ted Koppel editorial. The post title is mine, my summary of Koppel’s argument. We are threatened. We live in a world that is not safe. We do have enemies....
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